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All courses Forums How To Talk About Art Discussion Room: ART Discussion room: art Reply To: Discussion room: art

  • sonia

    May 17, 2020 at 7:02 pm

    Q1: Do you like art? If yes, what kind of art do you like? How often do you go to art museums? If no, do you know why you don’t like it?

    I do love art! Specially that one of the XIX th / beginning of XX th century: the Illumists, Expressionists, Avangards. I often enjoy going to art museums when I visit a new country or city (less in my town, I don’t know why) and I’m curious about artists’ life, I always thought that behind a set of masterpieces (not only paintings) a very interesting and turbulent life hides…

    Q3: Who is your favourite artist? Why do you like them so much?

    If we talk about painters, Marc Chagall is absolutely my favourite one! He has this magic capacity to get elements from the daily life and raise them to the dimension of the dream; the story telling is there on the paint and in the meantime you feel something moving inside. I love his colours too and this Russian atmosphere that transpires.

    Q4: Do you think that art is important to society? Why?

    Art is extremely important to society! Not only as an evidence of the historical period when the artist lived, but as a way to see it from a different perspective… Furthermore, art is a powerful and in the meantime delicate way to communicate realities, intimate realities, that, without art, wouldn’t easily reach our hearts and give us the chance to evolve. That’s my opinion!