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All courses Forums How to talk about change Discussion Room (change) About the revolution of the artificial intelligence Reply To: About the revolution of the artificial intelligence

  • Kerin

    July 20, 2020 at 9:40 am

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts @Gabriela

    I totally agree with you that Covid has accelerated the digital age (especially in work habits and distance learning) and I think a lot of teachers were (rightly so) unprepared for this.

    By the way – this site has some good resources and ideas for teaching online that you might find useful: https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/resources-for-online-teaching-during-coronavirus

    I am extremely cautious regarding Cripto Currency and in fact don’t think I even really understand it! I agree 100% with what you say about robots regrading farmers and developing countries.

    The technology (and the speed at which things change)it both fascinates and scares me to death!

    Some notes:

    To make this more natural sounding: We therefore know on what he was quite right and in what respect he was a bit too optimistic > We therefore know what he got more or less right and in what respect he was a bit too optimistic.

    Word order: Clearly was the the digital camera a revolution > Clearly the digital camera was a revolution.

    Change: The industry of autonomous cars is not there now where he thought it would be in 2020. >The industry of autonomous cars is not exactly where he thought it would be in 2020.
