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  • Maria Luisa

    August 24, 2020 at 1:54 pm

    Two weeks ago I went to the beach with a friend of mine. He said to me “Do you fancy a cheeky tour by boat?”. I was so chuffed about this idea and I said “Yes, of course!”

    We took a bloody beautiful tour by boat around the coast in the early evening. We paid 50 pound for the tour and also a tenner for grub. Grub was bollocks but the tour was the bee’s kneens.

    During the tour it was possible to swim. I don’t like to swim in high seas, anyroad I did it!

    My friend took the piss out of me about my fear of high sea and so I jumped quickly on the sea but with my bloody expensive eyeglasses. When I realized it, I threw instinctively the glasses on the boat. I was so jammy because the glasses finished directly in the hand of my friend! He said “ Alright?” I said “Well, ta. This swim is the dog’s bollocks of my life”.

    After a few minutes a dolphin went by me and my friend didn’t see him. He said to me “You are pissed. It’s not true!”. Sometimes he is absolutely cheeky but I was so chuffed about this experience that I said “You are two sandwiches short of a pic nic, you need my eyeglasses”.