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  • Kerin

    October 27, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    This is a fascinating account @Elena – thank you for sharing this experience.

    Essay feedback: introduction is perfect, well done. You sum up the argument and introduce your topic. Structure, word choice and content – all spot on 🌸

    Here are some suggestions:

    Think that in such a vast country as Russia – this doesn’t sound very natural (I fear there is some ‘Italian interference’ going on here 😂 .. Pensa che ….)

    ‘despite’ – please read this:


    Here are some ways you could word it:

    It’s incredible to believe that in such a vast country as Russia, there are no dialects, despite THE FACT THAT groups of THE population are cut off from each other by thousands of kilometers of taiga forest.

    If we consider, for example, a vast country such as Russia; there are no dialects, despite groups of THE population BEING cut off from each other by thousands of kilometers of taiga forest.

    > As for Italy, dialects change FROM one TO another every thirty kilometers.

    > misguiding advice – misleading advice

    Excellent work Elena 👏

    More on despite: See here: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/grammar/intermediate-to-upper-intermediate/in-spite-of-despite-although-even-though-and-though