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All courses Forums TV series, binge watching and pilots Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many societies. To Reply To: Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many societies. To

  • Kerin

    December 9, 2020 at 10:25 am

    Really well written @Wanda – what a pleasure to read; very fluid and natural, and some lovely vocab in there đź‘Ť

    I have the same feeling about Italian TV. The way women are portrayed on some of the channels can leave me feeling very uncomfortable. In fact, I never put the TV on to be honest. I tend to use my i-pad to stream series when I want to watch telly.

    Some notes for you:

    > Confidential and for a long time in black and white … (What do you mean by ‘confidential’? I’m not sure it’s the right word)

    > A big step forward for the society – you don’t need ‘the’ here. Articles can be tricky! If you want to have a look into it, this is a very good lesson: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/course/intermediate/unit-16/tab/grammar

    > it became quite quickly a tool to manipulate politic and people behavior – word order

    it QUITE QUICKLY became a tool to manipulate POLITICS AND PEOPLE’S BEHAVIOUR or POLITICAL and people’S behavior

    > in most of the channels – preposition: on + channel > on most of the channels

    > I felt uncomfortable about the image of the woman that TV spread – we need to use the plural here and again, no article – I felt uncomfortable about the image of WOMEN that TV spread.

    Let me know if anything isn’t clear or if you have any questions 🤗