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All courses Forums How To Talk About Art Activation Project Course 4 Courbet – The Desperate Man Reply To: Courbet – The Desperate Man

  • Kerin

    January 5, 2021 at 4:42 pm

    Hi @lucia (Happy new year!)

    Thank you for this piece of writing. I personally find the painting both stunning and disturbing, which unsettles me somewhat! I think your piece is incredibly insightful and as I was reading it I was thinking “I could never express myself in this way in a second language!” Well done.

    I only need to highlight a few things to help you improve:

    > is full of light’s and colour’s contrasts should be is full of light and colour contrasts

    > I think that in considering the meaning of the artwork cannot be neglected what it really is:

    it is better to use the active voice here and because it is a fairly long sentence, a comma will help the flow: I think that in considering the meaning of the artwork, we cannot neglect what it really is:

    > like Romanticism or Neoclassicism ones > delete ‘ones’ (not necessary. When we use ism noun, the meaning is explicit)

    > the nature – delete ‘the’ (these bloody articles 😂)

    > This is coherent with the Courbet figure, since HE was (probably just a typo!)
