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Even if I’m not obsessed, I do care about pronunciation because I think it completes the comprehension of a language. In general, being confident on pronunciation helps you avoiding taking a beamer, on the contrary, not being confident can make you shy away from express yourself. In my opinion, I truly believe it is worth to valorize the nuance of our accent because, as it is for voice timber, it is unique for everyone and it helps to express your personality. On the other hand, I think it is worth a try to smooth the peaks of our accent and try to result more fluent and pleasant to be listened to. In fact, even if accent doesn’t hinder the flow of a conversation, the risk is that people are more concentrated on the way you’re saying things rather than their content and sometimes they don’t even take you so seriously. I do have lots of example, one for all<wbr>v=p3qBlHqWgtY
What do you think?