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All courses Forums TV series, binge watching and pilots Is binge-watching a harmless or helpful activity? Reply To: Is binge-watching a harmless or helpful activity?

  • Kerin

    March 26, 2021 at 2:16 pm

    Thank you for handing in your first activation project @tatiana.aguilar – I can see you’ve put in a lot of work, nicely written! Well done 🙌


    ▶️ Binge-watch meaning is to watch many or all episodes of a TV series in rapid succession, this phrase started to be used around 2013 and increased with the succeed of Nexflix.

    1. Here you can either say: Binge-watchING meanS to … or … The meaning of binge-watch is to ….

    2. suceed is a verb. The noun you need is: success

    ▶️. I feel there are some factors that impulse to watch a TV series at once, the most recent one was the lockdown due to Covid-19 because ushered off people to be at home more than normal we used to be.

    1. replace impulse with push / drive / entice / urge (impulse is a noun only)

    2. Either: more than normal OR more than we used to be (not together)

    ▶️ triggered a bond ✅. excellent!

    ▶️ every episode has an excited cliffhanger > every episode has an EXCITING cliffhanger

    See this lesson: ING and ED adjectives


    ▶️ In the other hand > can you try and fix the preposition?

    ▶️ Obviously to be sit during hours > Obviously to be sitting for many hours

    ▶️ Everybody deserves to enjoy, Don’t they? > Everybody deserves some enjoyment, don’t they?

    Ask me if you have any questions or need anything clarified. Well done Tatiana! 👍