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  • Kerin

    May 17, 2021 at 9:52 am

    Hi @Michele.Baldi thanks for sharing your ideas.

    Is it group meetings that you don’t like very much or also one-to-one meetings? Just a curiosity!

    Have a look at my notes here:

    > Before the pandemic I usually did one or two online meetings per week and NOW I do at least one online meeting every day. By adding the word ‘now’ this phrase has much more impact.

    > I think that THEY are more effective than a message or email, (comma here!) but I prefer a face-to-face meeting because you can see if people are focusED (to be focused) on the topic of the meeting or IF they ARE thinkING ABOUT something else

    ⚠️ take a look at this post for the verb think
