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  • Kerin

    May 24, 2021 at 10:17 am

    Hi Jacopo,

    I think it’s useful to see it in this balanced way; like anything I suppose there are pros and cons. I would have to agree that I like the freedom online meetings give us, but of course, we lose something online. They are great for day-to-day stuff but perhaps less effective for brainstorming or sensitive decision making… I can imagine it’s painful for Italians 😂

    @j.artini this is well-written and expressed quite clearly. There are a few things you need to watch: please have a look at these corrections and let me know if you need anything clarified

    > ❌ my daily routine has been significantely changed with the start of the Covid pandemic (this is the passive voice, which is incorrect)

    > ✅ my daily routine has significantly changed with the start of the Covid pandemic

    *see advanced section: the passive in the grammar course Tense Buster to review this

    > ❌ I was used to do

    >✅ I was used to DOING or I used to do (see this video for info on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7Gxa23-I7Y))

    > for my experience replace ‘for’ with ‘in’ > in my experience

    > watch your plurals and articles!

    and now I’m doing like 2/3 remote meetingS on A daily bases (basis)

    I don’t really dislike doing remote meetingS instead of face-to-face since the time call for social distancing, obviously there are some proS and cons on doing meetingS remotely.

    If you have time Jacopo, please try and re-write this with the corrections – it’ll help you consolidate 👍