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  • Kerin

    May 25, 2021 at 5:18 pm

    Hi @Diego.Magionami

    This is near perfect 💪 well done!

    A few notes for you

    5) do you have problems with your connection?

    So, this is not incorrect, but it sounds a bit unnatural. This is because when we use the present simple, we are stating a fact. So if we ask do you have problems with your connection? we are asking if it is always the case (and for this reason, it isn’t incorrect!) However, it would be better to use the present continuous to ask ‘in this moment’ > are you having problems with your connection?

    6) there is a great confusion

    This sounds suspiciously like an Italian translation to me! 😅 Try saying, there’s too much confusion or there’s a big mess

    7) Please, who is not talking could mute his microphone? This is a complicated phrase. I suggest this:

    Could anyone who is not talking please mute their microphone?

    Let me know if you have any questions or need anything clarified. I’m just going to send you feedback on your audio now 👍