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  • Kerin

    July 27, 2021 at 10:59 am

    Great examples Tatiana, well done.

    In your second phrase, I’d add the words ‘so’ and ‘only’ to make it sound even more natural:

    I am so disappointed! My outfit only received some mild admiration last night.

    > Collocations: make a comment (not do a comment)

    We were talking so peacefully, but my brother made that comment.

    Knowing when to use MAKE or DO is really tricky – there are no exact rules. Having said that, using this as a guideline can help:
    > Use DO for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks.

    > Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do.

    DO generally refers to the action itself, and MAKE usually refers to the result. For example, if you “make breakfast,” the result is an omelet!

    ps. tush! I love that word! I haven’t heard it in ages 😂