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  • Kerin

    September 26, 2023 at 4:58 pm

    Alright Olivia? Bloody good effort from you! 😂

    Well done, this is superb. Just two things to note, both in para 3:

    I spent £10 on drinks for her but then she got knackered and fancy to go home, I didn’t get her phone number and I was very gutted.

    > the verb fancy needs the gerund, so it should read: fancied going home

    > Adjectives like knackered and gutted are what we call ‘Absolute Adjectives’. This means that is generally not capable of being intensified or compared. Therefore we don’t use ‘very’ with these kinds of adjective.

    You might find this interesting: https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/course/eiam/unit-1/session-47